Ghana Beyond Subsistence (GBS) will host teacher two training workshops and will facilitate teaching exchanges this year in Ho, Volta Region, Ghana.
The workshops for primary and junior high schools will focus on integrating Project Based Learning in the Ghana School System (GSS) curriculum.
Over two and a half weeks this summer, a group of American teachers and administrators will travel with Ghana Beyond Subsistence (GBS) to the Volta Region of Ghana in part to join in collaboration with Ghanaian colleagues at several schools in the city of Ho and surrounding communities.
“The connection between American and Ghanaian teachers is 50% learning and 50% teaching for both groups, and the friendships that ensue will last long beyond the weeks when we are physically present,“ says Edgar Singleton, GBS Board Secretary.
Through this teaching partnership, American and Ghanaian teachers will work together on developing plans for Project-Based Learning, a priority of GES, and then work together in four elementary and six junior high schools to get to know students first-hand and begin implementation of projects that could continue through the school year and beyond.
The continuing connection between Ghanaian and American teachers and students will be facilitated by the recently announced Digital Connectivity Project, intended to provide computers and broadcast towers to communities whose digital access has in the past been severely limited.
American teachers traveling this summer will bring decades of experience to conversations with Ghanaian educators, but they will attest that their work begins by gaining a greater understanding and appreciation for the teaching capabilities of their Ghanaian counterparts.
In addition to working closely with schools, students, and teachers, GBS works to support a range of Ghanaian enterprise in the region.
Over time, GBS has developed long-term relationships with farmers, traditional leaders, local schools, non-profits, and artists.
This year’s travel will take place from June 21-July 9, and applications for travel with the group in 2024 will be available this autumn.