Educational Engagement
Teacher & Student
The GBS leadership team consists of teachers with decades of combined experience teaching in the fields of language studies, agriculture, African and African-American history, music, social sciences, and folklore. They invite teachers at every level to join them in engaging with Ghanaian educators and students in true partnership, blending their knowledge and passion for teaching with Ghanaian understandings of the role of education in lifting up people’s lives and supporting communities.
How to Support Classroom Needs
Our projects:

International Teaching & Learning Workshops
GBS organizes and hosts workshops focusing on innovative teaching approaches to encourage critical thinking, inquiry, self-discovery and prepare students to live as tolerant, educated, and aware global citizens.
Teacher workshops are organized around experiential learning and student-centered pedagogies in Enhanced Science, Technology, Engineering, Agriculture, Math (STEAM) through project based learning.
Teaching Partners
GBS pairs Ghanaian and US experts and veteran teachers for two-week residencies in Ghana, where community-based education serves as a model for recognizing, describing, and solving local problems and projecting wider application to larger issues.

Virtual Exchanges

Starting in 2024, GBS will pair Ghanaian and US classrooms in virtual exchanges using a variety of technologies and educational pedagogy to make it possible for every young person to access high-quality international and cross-cultural education.
Virtual exchanges complement our physical teaching partner program. They can prepare, deepen, and extend physical exchanges, and, by reaching new populations and larger numbers, fuel new demand for physical exchange.
Resources for Teachers
GBS develops and shares quality lessons and resources that teachers need, all in one place. We are in the process of developing this page. please check back soon!