Help Support Farmer and Trader Needs
Map of the Volta Region

The Farmers of Adaklu Waya with
Mama Dzakuia (the Late Queen Mother)
The farmers of Adaklu Waya are known throughout the Volta region for their groundnuts. Many in this group are also active firefighters.
Akoefe Gadza
This group of farmers grows most of the food for their household needs and engage in petty trading and marketing

The farmers and Petty Traders
of Akoefe Gadza
Hodzo Achianse

The farmers of Hodzo Achiase
Group One
The farmers of Hodzo are skilled beekeepers and the local honey is considered a premium product. The farmers also grow oranges and coconut

The farmers of Hodzo Achiase
Group Two
The farmers of Hodzo are skilled beekeepers and the local honey is considered a premium product. The farmers also grow oranges and coconut

The farmers of Kpenoe Group One with Mama Kokor (queen mother of one of the six local clans) and Philipine, a GBS Extension facilitator
The farmers of this group grow maize, leafy greens, vegetables, rice, cassava, fruit, and engage in petty trading and marketing

The farmers of Kpenoe Group Two with Frederick, a GBS facilitator
The farmers of this group grow maize, leafy greens, vegetables, rice, cassava, fruit, and engage in petty trading and marketing

The farmers of Kpenoe Group Three
The farmers of this group grow maize, leafy greens, vegetables, rice, cassava, fruit, and engage in petty trading and marketing

The Farmers of Kpenoe IV.
This men’s group of farmers and traders is known as Togbe Kotoku XI's group. Each is a representative of the traditional clans of the community
Takla Gborgame

The farmers of Takla Gborgame
The farmers of Takla Gborgame engage in the farming of oranges, melons, bananas, and some petty trading.
This group of farmers also benefits from the support from Takla Development chiefs Reverend David and Carol Christensen, of Connecticut USA.
Wegbe Kpalime
The farmers of Wegbe Kpalime are known throughout the Volta region for their palm oil processing, gari processing, rice, okra, groundnut, and engage in petty trading and marketing

The farmers of Wegbe Kpalime Group I,
with Dr. Nfodwo
The farmers of Wegbe Kpalime are known throughout the Volta region for their palm oil, gari processing, rice, okra, groundnut, and engage in petty trading and marketing

The farmers of Wegbe Kpalime
Group Two
The farmers of Wegbe Kpalime are known throughout the Volta region for their palm oil, gari processing, rice, okra, groundnut, and engage in petty trading and marketing

The farmers of Wegbe Kpalime
Group Three
The farmers of Wegbe Kpalime are known throughout the Volta region for their palm oil, gari processing, rice, okra, groundnut, and engage in petty trading and marketing

The farmers of Wegbe Kpalime
Group Four